© XGlite™® XGlite XG

© XGlite™® XGlite XG Virtual's Studio's Technology's Instrument's Advanced's Music's Production's System's Media’s Audio’s Visual’s TV’s Station’s Radio’s FM’s Web’s Online’s Show’s On's Air's Live’s Stream's Broadcast's Digital's Studio’s Recording’s Music’s Production’s Video’s Game’s Play’s Android’s Computer's Compaq's Cloud’s Computing’s Scream's Disc’s Jockey’s DJ’s Pirate’s In's The's World's In's The Kingdom Of Morocco In's Oujda. £₱€¢$¥¤₩₹₪... ۞ © XGlite™® | £₱€¢$¥¤₩₹₪… ۞ XGlite High-Quality Music To Access Your Audio Visual Production Music, Our Goal Is To Provide Musical Illustration Of The Highest Possible Quality To All Audio Visual Content Producers, In All Styles And All Musical Genres, For Any Type Of Project. The Production Quality Of All Of Its Music Are Exceptional Authentic Instruments Where You Need It, Solo Recordings And a Complete Orchestra, Including The Royal Orchestra, The Famous Sound Technician Such As The Famous Studios Built In Our Catalog About A Solid Core Of XGlite Music Composers, We Provide Music All Of Our Music Is Authorized For Use In The World, In All Media, For An Indefinite Period Enjoy Unlimited Access To Our Site Through A Sole Production Unit Configure The Original To Adapt From The Current Titles, Rich And International, Include Our Customer List £₱€¢$¥¤₩₹₪ And More. Contact Us Today To Learn More... XGLITE WORK WITH US We know that finding the right track can be challenging, so our priority is to deliver tailor-made technology and services to help, across all of your projects. By providing a super-powerful set of search tools, our platform is here to help you find exactly what you’re looking for, in just a few clicks. We also have a wide range of workflow enhancements, including the AI-powered suggested search, various types of metadata, file formats and easy offline solutions to help simplify your editing and reporting process. Store your selected tracks and shortlists and share with anyone, anywhere. If you’re already working with us, it’s simple. Create new projects and come back to edit or download your tracks at a later date. Unlike other platforms, there’s no expiry date. Licensing – clear and simple and for multiple platforms. Yes, that’s right. Anywhere and forever. Whatever device you’re using, our multi-platform approach means we’re here, wherever you are, whenever you need us. Incredible music means the highest production values. We record at the world’s most prestigious studios, including 150+ annual sessions at Abbey Road Studios. Our music is written and performed by the best musicians in the world and recorded with renowned producers. We offer consultancy services, because our sales team live and breathe music, and we can offer bespoke creative solutions to help you find that perfect track. We’re with you all the way. Whether you want to pull us into your edit suite and talk us through your latest music strategy, or email us a brief, we understand just how central music is to achieve your production vision. Themes, brands and storylines are expertly researched and regularly curated into playlists, making those perfect tracks easy to discover whenever you need them. Our team of researchers and consultants are ALWAYS on hand to harness the unique response you’re looking for each and every time. © XGlite™® مدح النبي محمد ﷺ


Masquerade Projects

© XGlite™® 
Masquerade Track Detailes: 
Masquerade Instrumental / Vocal. 
Omar Chari (PRS). 
XGlite Album 2022/01/01. 
F (ends in F). 
115.000 bpm (ends at 115.000). 
XGlite Limited. 
Release Year: 
Masquerade Projects - Google Drive


Santa Projects

© XGlite™® 
Santa Track Detailes: 
Santa Instrumental / Vocal. 
Omar Chari (PRS). 
XGlite Album 2022/01/01. 
C# (ends in C#). 
106.000 bpm (ends at 106.000). 
XGlite Limited. 
Release Year: 


Jana Projects

© XGlite™® 

Jana Track Detailes: 

Jana Instrumental / Vocal. 

Omar Chari (PRS). 




XGlite Album 2022/01/01. 


F (ends in F). 




142.000 bpm (ends at 142.000). 


XGlite Limited. 

Release Year: 






هي جنــــة طـابت وطــاب نعيـمهــا ..... فنعيـمهـــا بــاق وليـــس بفـــانِ

وبنــــاؤها اللبنات من ذهب وأخرى ..... فضــة نــوعـــــــــــان مختـلفانِ

للعبـــــد فيهـــا خــيمـة مــــن لـؤلـؤ ..... قــد جـوفت هي صنعــة الرحمنِ

أنهــــارهــــا في غير أخدود جــرت ..... سبحــان ممسكها عن الفيضــانِ

مـــن تحتـهــــم تــجري كما شــاءوا ..... مفـجرة وما للنهر من نقصـــانِ

ولــــقد آتــــى ذكـــر اللقــاء ربنــــا .....الرحمن في ســـور مـن القــرآنِ

أومــــا ســــمعـت منـــادي الإيمــان ..... يخبر عن منـادي جـنة الرضوان

يــا أهلهــا لكموا لدى الرحمن وعد ..... وهــــو منجــزه لكـــم بـــضمــانِ

قـالــــــوا أمـا بيضت أوجهنــا كــذا .....أعـمـــــالنا ثــقلت فـــــي الميزانِ

وكـــذاك قـــد ادخلتـنــا الجنـــــــات ..... حـين اجـرتـــنا حـقا مــن النيرانِ

فيقــول عندي موعـــــــد قد آن أن ..... أعطيتموهـــ برحمة وحـــــــنانـي

فيـرونــه مـن بعــد كشـف حــجابه ..... جــــهـرا روى ذا مسـلم ببـيـــــانِ

وإذا رآه المؤمنيــن نســــــوا الذي ..... هــم فيه ممــا نـــــالت العينـــــانِ

واللــــــه مافي هــذه الدنيـــا ألـــذ ..... مـــن اشــتيـــاق العــبد للـرحـــمنِ

وكـــذاك رؤيــة وجهه ســــبحانـه ..... هي أكمــــــل اللــــذات للإنســـــانِ

للـه ســــــــوق قد إقامتـه الملائكة ..... الكــــــــــرام بكل مـا إحســـــــــانِ

فــيها الذي واللــــه لا عـين ورأت ..... كــــلا ولا ســـــمعـته من إذنــــان

كــــلا ولـم يخطر على قلــب امرئ ..... فيكـــــــون عـنه معـــبرا بلســـانِ

واهــــا لــذا الســــــــــــوق الـــذي ..... من هــله نالت تهاني كلها بأمـانِ

يــدعى بســــوق تعـارف مافـــيه ..... مــــن صخب ولا غــش ولا أيمــانِ

هـــــذا وخـــاتمة النعيم خـلودهم ..... أبـدا بـدار الخـــــــــلد والـرضـــوانِ

يـارب ثبتنـــا علـــــى الإيمــــــان ..... واجــعلنا هــــــداة التائه الحـــيرانِ

واعـــــــزنـا بالحــق وأنصارنـا .....نــصرا عـــــــزيزا أنت ذو الســلطانِ

وعلى رســولك أفضــل الصـلوات ..... والتسـليم منك وأكمل الـرضــــوانِ

وعلى صــحابته جميعـــــا والألى ..... تبعــــوهم مــن بعد بالإحســـــــــان